
Degrees and university qualifications (1992 - 2011)
- Reviewer for the Journal of Sexual Medicare (JSM)
- Consultant for Lilly / Bayer
- 2003 - 2005: Certificate of Continuous Education in Clinical Sexology (Prof. W. Pasini, University of Geneva and Department of Clinical Sexology of University Hospitals)
- 2004: Certificate of education in Radioprotection and Technical Qualification as Expert in intensive-dose therapies (Institute of Radioprotection and Applied Radiophysics, Lausanne)
- 2002: Diploma issued by the French Society of Digestive Surgery (Strasbourg)
- 2000 - 2001: Clinical Fellowship in Uro-Oncology, Bristol Urological Institute (UK)
- 1999: Fellow of the European Board of Urology (The Netherlands)
- 1999: FMH Specialist in Urology Diploma (Inselspital, Bern)
- 1998: Certificate of In-Depth Studies of Microsurgery (Inselspital, Bern)
- 1997: University Degree of Paris Hospitals: "Pelvic Static and Incontinence Surgery"
- 1993: Doctor's Degree in Medicine (University of Geneva)
- 1992: Federal Degree in Medicine (University of Geneva)
Post-graduate education: Urology (1995 - 2007)
- October 2007: Séminaire Tribune médicale: Update in urology and urogynecology in cooperation with Dr D. Faltin, Geneva
- September 2007: Participation as expert on bladder cancer and treatment of superficial cancer of the bladder during the 29 th SIU Congress, Paris
- 2007: Surgical workshop for the Flexible Ureteroscopy Procedure - Hôpital Tenon, Paris
- 2007: Course and basic training in coloproctology, Proctology Unit, HUG
- 2005: European School of Urology. A urologist approach to Pelvic floor prolapse
- 2005: "Sex and Health" – Urological Approach to Erectile Dysfunction (Yverdon)
In cooperation with Prof. W. Pasini and Dr. G. Salem
- 2005: Expert Forum Tribune Médicale – Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.
Participants: Dr. F. Sommer, Cologne , Dr. Binder, Frauenfeld. Dr. A. Bitton
- 2005: Expert Report on the Study of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Geneva), in cooperation with P. Teillac, EAU Secretary
- 2005: Male Depression and Sexuality (Geneva)
- 2004: Annual Scientific Meeting of the Bristol Urological Institute, Bristol, UK
- 2003: Training in Uro-Gynecology – The transobturator pathway in gynecology, Geneva
- 2002: Prostatectomy ver sus Brachytherapy or external radiotherapy in prostate cancer: a choice or challenge? Geneva
- 2002: Intensive Course in Urological Laparoscopic Surgery, European Institute of Telesurgery (EITS), Strasbourg
- 2001: 3rd International Meeting of the European Society of Uro-Technology, Vienna , Austria
- 2001: Prostate cancer: life after diagnosis - Acropolis Convention Center , Nice , France
- 2001: Practical Training Course on Vaginal Surgery, Pelvic Prolapse and Correction of Incontinence by means of a sub-urethral tape (TVT). Regular weekly surgical follow-up for 18 months with Prof. J. Salvat, Hôpital Pienta, Thônon
- 2001 - 2002: Continuous Training and Advanced Course in Vascular and Nerve Microsurgery in the Laboratory (Dr. Della Santa, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, HCUG)
- 2000 - 2001: Clinical Fellow in uro-oncology - Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, Bristol , UK
- 2000: Advanced Laparoscopic Skills: Specialist training course, Dundee (Scotland)
- 2000: Laparoscopic Surgery of the Urogenital tract European Surgical Institute, Norderstedt (Germany)
- 2000: The Essentilas of Laparoscopic Surgery: Specialist training course, Dundee (Scotland)
- 2000: European School of Urology post graduate course (Brussels): Radical prostatectomy; Technical aspects and management of complications
- 2000: European School of Urology post graduate course (Brussels): Stone disease; Diagnosis and medical management
- 2000: European School of Urology post graduate course (Brussels): Infertility: urological aspects
- 2000: Oncology Meeting Day: Taunton (UK)
- 2000: Certificate in Urodynamics: Conference Room, Urology Department, Southmead Hospital , Bristol (Course director: Prof. Paul Abrams)
- 2000: Live surgery demonstration day: Pediatric Urology (D. Frank) Southmead Center for Medical Education, Bristol
- 2000: Training course on bladder cancer, Chepstow (Participation in the discussion panel: reconstructive surgery after cystectomy)
- 2000: "Pelvic Floor Disorders Meeting": BRI Hospital , Bristol
- 2000: Live surgery demonstration day: Uretereoscopy, Stone management and Laparscopy in urology (F. Keeley) Southmead Center for Medical Education, Bristol
- 1999: International course of urology (Barcelona)
- 1999: State of the Art in Urology (Vienne)
- 1998: Practical Symposium: Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy Current status and future perspectives of TUMT (Nijmegen , The Netherlands)
- 1998 - 2000: Chef de clinique (Medical Director) – University Urology Clinic, Hôpital de l'île, Bern (Prof. U E. STUDER)
- January - May 1997: Course on Female Pelvic Surgery & Incontinence (Prof. Thibauld, Hôpital Tenon, Paris). Diploma in Pelvic Statics obtained. Preparation of a degree thesis with the title: “Why a prolapse? Causes, Development and Treatment of Prolapses in Women”.
- 1996 - 1998: Intern – University Urology Clinic, Hôpital de l'île, Bern (Prof. U. E. STUDER)
- 1996: Fort- und Weiterbildungskommission der Deutschen Urologen: 39. Seminar Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau (Wuppertal, Deutschland)
- 1995 - 1996: Intern – University Urology Clinic (CHUV) Lausanne (Prof H-J. LEISINGER)
- 1995: Participation in the First World Congress of Fundamental Research in Urology
(World Trade Center - Rotterdam)
- 1995: European Association of Urology and European School of Urology teaching course: "New developments in uro-oncological diagnosis: Molecular and cellular markers, from bench to clinic"
Post-graduate education: Surgery (1992 - 1995)
- 1993 - 1995: Intern - Department of Visceral Surgery and Orthopaedics, Hôpital La Chaux-de-Fonds (Dr. M. MERLINI, P.D)
- 1992 - 1993: Intern – HCU Neurosurgery Clinic of Geneva (Prof. J. BERNEY)
Medical university training (1986 - 1992)
- 1992: ORL and Cervico-Facial Surgery - Substitute Doctor - (Prof. P. MONTANDON)
- 1991: Clinical Pathology (Prof. Y. KAPANCI)
- 1990 - 91: ORL and Cervico-Facial Surgery (Prof. P. MONTANDON)
- 1990: Clinical Dermatology (Prof. J.H. SAURAT)
- 1990: Internal Medicine, Division of Infective Diseases (Prof. D. LEW, Prof. B. HIRSCHEL): Research work and Doctoral Thesis
- 1990: Clinical Radiology and Radiodiagnostics (Prof. P. WETTSTEIN)
- 1990: Clinical Neurosurgery (Prof. J. BERNEY)
- 1990: Surgical Polyclinic (Prof. M.C. MARTI)
- 1990: Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery Clinic (Prof. P. MONTANDON)
- 1989: Training Course in General Medicine at a private practitioner's office (Dr. RUCHTI-ROUS)
- 1989: Training Course in Paediatrics at a private practitioner's office (Dr. BOLOGNINI)
- 1989: Cardio-Vascular Surgery (Prof. B. FAIDUTTI)
- 1989: Internal Medicine, University Geriatrics Institutions (Prof J.P. MICHEL)
- 1986: Training Course in Medical Clinic Patient Care (Prof. A. MULLER)
Scientific Memberships
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
- Société d'Andrologie de Langue Française (SALF)
- European Society of Human reproduction and embryology (ESHRE)
- Société française d'étude de la fertilité (SFEF)
- International Society for the study of aging male (ISSAM)
- European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM)
- International Society for Men's Health and Gender (ISMH)
- Fédération des Médecins Suisses (FMH)
- Société Suisse d'Urologie (SSU)
- Groupement Genevois Multidisciplinaire pour le cancer de la prostate
- European Association of Urology (EAU
- Association Française d'Urologie (AFU)
- Société Suisse d'Ultrason en Médecine et Biologie (SSUMB)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)
- "Chemotherapy and oncology" Group (Inselspital, Bern "CHEMO Projekt")
- Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
- Endourological Society
- International Continence Society (ICS)
- International Uro-Gynecological Association (IUGA)
- The British Association of Urological Surgeons
Work as Associate Professor and Medical Practice
- Clinique Bois-Cerf, Lausanne
- Clinique Cécile, Lausanne
- Hôpitaux du Chablais (Aigle & Monthey)
Apart from classical urology, Dr. Alain Bitton received specialist training in some additional specific fields:
- Neuro-urology, which includes urodynamics, neuromodulation, endoscopic and uro-radiological assessments in the treatment of male and female incontinence. More specifically, these assessments include the investigation of micturition and complex functional disorders of the low urinary tract and urethral sphincter.
- Andrology: assessment and treatment of erectile dysfunctions and fertility issues. Applications of microsurgical techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of infertile patients in view of Medically-Assisted Procreation.
- Skills in Sexology (Certificate of Clinical Sexology obtained from the University of Geneva).
- Diagnosis and treatment of prostatic diseases by using alternative, less invasive methods. Primarily expert at the Hôpital de l'île (Bern) in the development and clinical applications of transurethral microwave thermotherapy (Targis™) used as a minimally invasive method in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, Dr A. Bitton currently works at the development and dissemination of alternative treatments for prostatic diseases, such as laser applications (holmium, GreenLight KTP), as well as the thermotherapy Prostiva™.